Pip and Posy: Look and Say (PB) illustr.

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Серия:Pip and Posy

Автор:Шеффлер Аксель

Издательство:Nosy Crow



Обложка:Мягкий переплет



Наша цена:US $114.00

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Отправка почтой: June 25th от US $12.00, бесплатно при заказе от US $100.00.

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Аннотация к книге "Pip and Posy: Look and Say" Scheffler A.:Join Pip and Posy as they have fun in the park, nibble on some snacks, play with their train set, and share a bath at the end of the day. With busy scenes and a 'Can you find these things?' panel at the bottom of each spread — to encourage the reader to spot the objects within the scenes — this book will keep very youngest of readers occupied for hours. Читать дальше…

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