Hickory Dickory Dock (Poirot) Ned


Автор:Christie Agatha

Издательство:Harper Collins UK



Обложка:Мягкий переплет



Наша цена:US $69.00

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There's more than petty theft going on in a London youth hostel...An outbreak of kleptomania at a student hostel was not normally the sort of crime that aroused Hercule Poirot's interest. But when he saw the list of stolen and vandalized items - including a stethoscope, some old flannel trousers, a box of chocolates, a slashed rucksack and a diamond ring found in a bowl of soup - he congratulated the warden, Mrs Hubbard, on a `unique and beautiful problem'.The list made absolutely no sense at all. But, reasoned Poirot, if this was merely a petty thief at work, why was everyone at the hostel so frightened?

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